The Right Question Institute works to build a more just and equitable democracy. We strengthen people’s ability to ask questions and participate in decisions that affect them. When people of all ages learn to ask the right questions, it leads to feeling a new sense of agency, confidence, and power.
Join our free online community of 83,772 people — from over 180 countries — to learn about our strategies and access hundreds of free resources, educational tools, and videos. Contact us to inquire about training opportunities.
The Question Formulation Technique, created by the Right Question Institute, is a simple yet powerful strategy to teach students how to formulate their own questions.
Using the Right Question Strategy, people learn skills to engage, advocate, and navigate in systems where decisions that affect them are made.
The Right Question Institute works to build a vibrant democracy where all people — even those furthest from power — can make their voices heard, participate in decisions, and advocate for themselves, their families, and their communities. RQI’s practical methods for teaching people to formulate their own questions and participate more effectively in decisions sharpens their ability to:
RQI supports frontline workers across many fields to advance the voices of communities and individuals they serve. Find more information about our work in:
Share the Strategy and Source RQI
Our materials are available under a Creative Commons Sharealike license. To comply with this license, you must include the following language on all materials you use, share, adapt, or create: “Source: The Question Formulation Technique (QFT) was created by the Right Question Institute (”
As long as you include this source language, you are welcome to use, adapt, and share our strategies and materials for noncommercial use. You may also create new materials that reference the Question Formulation Technique (QFT) and/or other Right Question Institute strategies as long as you include the source language above. If you are interested in sharing RQI’s resources for commercial purposes you must contact us by selecting the “Permission for Use” option on the contact form.
The hundreds of free resources you will find on our network will help you easily move into action to learn a strategy one day and facilitate the very next.
You’ll also get access to hundreds of free resources that will help you easily move into action to learn a strategy one day and facilitate the very next.