For this month's Legal Empowerment Newsletter, Naomi and Kevin shared an interview they did with the Wellbeing Blueprint where they discuss Microdemocracy and how people are able to advocate themselves in various public institutions.
Legal Empowerment
In May 2023, RQI held a workshop for service providers in New Bedford, Massachusetts. Here's a brief look at the impact our methods and strategy has for individuals and frontline workers.
This May, we spotlight our upcoming Harvard course and the recent work of the Legal Empowerment Program.
This position offers an opportunity to work on promoting innovative methods for fostering the agency and empowerment of people navigating the legal system.
Lynn Borton, host of WERA radio's Choose to be Curious, has a conversation with RQI's Naomi Campbell about the ways curiosity and questions can become powerful tools for self-advocacy and agency.
We inform the Right Question community about the start of RQI's Legal Empowerment fall webinar series this month.