In March, 2019, RQI's Sarah Westbrook, Luz Santana, and Tomoko Ouchi are in Japan. Here's how to follow their experience on Twitter.
Teaching + Learning
Last spring, educators from 30 countries participated in our online course with the Harvard Graduate School of Education. This year is gearing up to be another international experience. The course begins April 15.
Wladimir Berroterán, a personal and organizational coach in Caracas, uses the Question Formulation Technique to help entrepreneurs and businesses reach their potential in the middle of political and economic instability.
After students use the Question Formulation Technique to generate amazing questions, how can you use those questions? Ashleigh Burry and Kristy Mandel, first-grade teachers in Michigan, provide some good ideas for younger students.
Writing in "Storytelling Magazine," the Right Question Institute’s Sarah Westbrook explores the link between asking questions and some important life skills.
“It’s fun to watch the light bulbs go off as kids work through their thoughts,” said a special education teacher during a Twitter chat organized by the Massachusetts School Administrators' Association.