Like any lesson ever, the Question Formulation Technique (QFT) doesn’t always go as perfectly as planned, but there’s always something you can learn from your facilitation of the QFT and students always benefit from having space and time to ask questions.
Teaching + Learning
I use the QFT in just about every class period I teach and have used it with students from elementary…
I felt that if students improved their questioning skills that there may be positive results abound. Maybe when they read, they will ask prediction questions, or question a character’s motives. If they didn’t understand an assignment, they would have the confidence to ask for clarification.
A good question can open minds, shift paradigms, and force the uncomfortable but transformational cognitive dissonance that can help create…
The QFT may be easily integrated into a pre-existing or new history lessons to engage students in primary-source investigation and…
In December of 2015 the John Templeton Foundation approved a three-year, $700,000 grant to the Cambridge, Mass.-based Right Question Institute…