This Google Forms QFT idea comes to us from Alyssa Park, a 4th grade teacher from Gardnerville, NV who is working with her students to discover more about a piece of local history - the Hoover Dam!
Teaching + Learning
Toward the end of a unit on electricity, David Meshoulam presents his students with the Question Focus: “Powerlines from a power plant carry electricity at voltages of 345,000 volts or more! Transformers, like the one shown, reduce that voltage to 120V for home use.” Watch as a high school physics class in Newton, Massachusetts, goes through each step of the QFT.
Lucy Canotas, a fourth-grade teacher in Manchester, New Hampshire, used the QFT to learn more about what her students knew or did not know about fractions. This video shows Canotas using a visual Question Focus to stimulate students’ questions. She leads her class through each step of the Question Formulation Technique, all the way through their reflections at the end on what they learned and liked about the process.
Drew Perkins discusses the Question Formulation Technique with the Co-Director of the Right Question Institute, Dan Rothstein.
Dan Rothstein, codirector of the Right Question Institute, discusses the great benefits that come to students—and teachers—when students learn to…
In this video Joshua Beer, an educator who teaches 8th grade in rural New Hampshire, uses the QFT for summative assessment purposes. Watch the QFT unfold as students address the Question Focus (QFocus), “Questions that should be asked about American imperialism at the turn of the 20th century.”