It was through the QFT that I hoped to allow the musicians to approach the subject matter and the composition through the lens of curiosity and inquiry instead of judgement, ignorance, or fear.
Teaching + Learning
Educators and collaborators reflect on their innovative use of RQI's strategiesHere are five reasons that explain how the QFT can support your professional learning and the skills of your students.
In an effort to defy the restrictive, historical caricature of libraries as venues where talking, eating, and personal electronic use…
It wasn’t until we attended a PD about questioning in the classroom that we understood how we could get our…
In math classrooms around the country and world, students using the Question Formulation Technique (QFT) are asking questions like: “How…
One educator asks a question that we hear often at the Right Question Institute: “at the end of the day what types of math questions get answered and what math actually gets learned? Are [students]…able to generate questions about a specific area of math that actually allows the student to learn – math?”